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A love fairytale

Our Story


The First Date

Use this section to tell the guests about the first time you met.  Where did you meet?  Why did you meet? 

Try and keep this section to about 8-10 sentences.  We don’t want it to be too long, but also not too short.  Was it love at first sight or were you just good friends?  


The First Holiday

Use this section to tell the guests about a special time while dating. It can be your first holiday, first Christmas together, anything that stood out while dating. 

Try and keep this section to about 8-10 sentences.  We don’t want it to be too long, but also not too short.  What was special about this “first”. Why is it such a pleasant memory?


She said yes!

Nothing to explain here!  share the engagement story with your guests.  When did it happen?  How did it happen?  Was she surprised? Did she cry? 

We want all the details! 

Also, try and keep this section the same length as the ones above.

Our life together

Save The Date

Saturday, August 14, 2021